Property 4 Sale Turkey
Tel 0090 532 207 26 50
Kas & Kalkan


Kas was originally called Habesos or Habesa in the ancient tongue of Lycia and later was given the name Antiphellos. Kas was founded on the ancient town of Antiphellos and the Lycian style sarcophagus at the beginning of the avenue running down to the port is almost the symbol of this lovely town in the Mediterranean region south of Turkey .

Antiphellos, which once was a member of the Lycian League, is known to have gained reputation and importance as a port town during the Hellenistic period, sustaining its significance as one of the leading towns during the Roman period as well.
Today's Kas is a coastal town of the Lycians. "Phellos" is the Greek word for "stony place" and this name is very well suited to Kas. Its well preserved rock tombs and theater are well worth seeing.

Kas today is a small and charming coastal resort where many sailing boats anchor in its small marina .


Kalkan is a lovely small hilltop town that overlooks a tiny bay. Its quaint, traditional, white-washed houses, shuttered windows and balconies garlanded with brilliant flowers that cascade to the streets below, make it the ultimate in a peaceful holiday town in the Mediterranean region of Turkey . Narrow winding streets lined with souvenir shops lead down to the charming marina .

Every morning boats busily take tourists to one of the nearby beaches or small bays. As the sun sets it is Kalkan style to meet on the roof terraces for a drink before dinner and enjoy the comings and goings of the yachts , the business of the marina and the panoramic view.



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